当归 Angelica sinensis
当归(Angelica sinensis)为伞形科当归属(Angelica)植物,干燥根为常用传统中药,有浓郁的香气,在中药组方中用量大,素有 “十方九归”之说。
当归 Angelica sinensis
当归的药用历史可上溯到约 2000 年前的东汉时代,首见于《神农本草经》,其后在历代本草典籍中对当归均有记述。据南北朝时期的《本草经集注》记载,当归最早出产于甘肃的陇西县首阳镇和武山县落门镇一带。宋代《本草衍义》中记载四川开始栽培,至明代《本草纲目》中记载其栽培范围已扩大至陕西、甘肃和四川等地。目前主产于甘肃的岷县、宕昌、漳县一带,地域特征明显,质量上乘,为著名道地药材,被称为 “岷归” 或 “秦归”。近十几年由于受到气候变化和社会经济发展等因素影响,种植区域也不断向西发展到甘肃省临近县市和青海省的互助、大通和湟中等县。总之,这一地域的当归产量约占全国 70% 左右。另外,产于四川汶川至九寨沟一带的,被称为 “川归”。约在清末民国初年,当归被引种于云南鹤庆,并在近些年逐渐在云南东北部和西北部形成较大种植规模,称为 “云归”。
当归属的药用植物种类很多,除当归做药用外,尚有白芷(A. dahurica)、独活(A. pubescens f. biserrata)。有趣的是,受我国传统医学影响,在日本和韩国的药典中也记载有当归,但来源植物却与我国不同,韩国使用的是朝鲜当归(A. gigas),而日本使用的则是东当归(A. acutiloba)。另外,在西藏和青海地区尚有藏当归,其来源可能为独活属(Heracleum)植物,在使用时应加以区分。
Angelica sinensis
当归 Angelica sinensis
Angelica sinensis, known as ‘danggui’ in Chinese, is a common herb of the family Apiaceae. Its root has a heady aroma and is used heavily in prescriptions. The medical history of Angelica sinensis could date back to the East Han Dynasty according to the first record of it in Shennnong’s Classic of Materia Medica over 2000 years ago and was narrated later in materia medicas of all dynasties. The area between Shouyang, Longxi County and Luomen, Wushan County in Gansu Province is believed as the place of origin of Angelica sinensis and the regions extended to Qinghai Province, where the herb products are of superior quality called ‘Min gui’ and ‘Qin gui’ as genuine herbs. Angelica sinensis is also origin from Sichuan Province called ‘Chuan gui’ by people and is introduced to Yunnan, which is called ‘Yun gui’.
当归花蕾 Flower bud of Angelca sinensis 图片有误,敬请原谅(作者)
Although there is a large-scale cultivation of Angelica sinensis to fulfil the market demand, the wild population of Angelica sinensis is restricted to a narrow area between Minxian County, Zhangxian County and Diebu County in Gansu Province so that we need to pay more attention to the conservation of Angelica sinensis to prevent it from wild extinction.
当归果实 Angelica sinensis mericarps
As a traditional Chinese Medicine it is believed that Angelica sinensis has a efficiency of invigorating blood circulation, regulating menstruation and relieving pain, and can contribute to intestinal peristalsis. It is usually used in prescriptions to cure blood deficiency, faint and palpitation, abnormal menstruation, constipation, ulcer and pains triggered by rheumatism. Besides, Angelica sinensis can also be the ingredient of health food and the raw material of cosmetics, which are popular in Southeast Asia. Research showed that active constituents of Angelica sinensis include phthalides, Angelica polysaccharide, organic acid and abundant amino acids and trace elements.
当归育苗田 Cultivated field of Angelica sinensis seedling
Except for Angelica sinensis, several species in the genus Angelia can be used as herb medicine such as A. dahurica (known as ‘baizhi’ in Chinese) and A. biserrata (called ‘duhuo’ in part of China). And there are several kinds of ‘danggui’ in the materia medicas of other East Asia countries, refers to A. gigas in Korea and A. acutiloba in Japan. In addition, there is also ‘Tibet danggui’ in Tibet Plateau where some different plants such as those of the genus Heracleum are used and therefore should be used with caution.
当归果序 Infructescence of Angelica sinensis
专家顾问:张本刚 | 张宪春
文化顾问:张桂徵 | 张振华
摄 影:齐耀东 | 张胜邦 | 郭增祥
稿 源:齐耀东
翻 译:张宪春
责任编辑:孔祥瑞 |李姗姗 | 楚雅南
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