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中国药用植物 - 贝母

媒体:原创  作者:野生植物保护协会
专业号:野生植物保护协会 2021/2/2 21:59:47



贝母 Beimu


贝母(Bulbus Fritillariae)是我国传统医学应用广泛的中药材,具有清热润肺、化痰止咳的功效,来源于百合科贝母属(Fritillaria)植物的地下干燥鳞茎。贝母属植物在全世界约有 140 种,我国分布有约 20 多种,除少数物种外,几乎全部药用。


平贝母 Fritillaria ussuriensis

“贝母” 之名最早著录于东汉时期的药学著作《神农本草经》,此后《名医别录》(魏晋时期)、《本草经集注》(南北朝时期)、《新修本草》(唐)和《图经本草》(唐)等著名的医学典籍都对贝母类药材有所记载。现代考证,中国早期的贝母可能来源于葫芦科的假贝母(Bolbostemma paniculatum),约在唐代之后百合科贝母属植物逐渐取代葫芦科的假贝母成为中药药用的主流药材。本属植物中在历史上最先使用的是长江中下游地区分布的贝母属类群,以浙贝母(F. thunbergia)和湖北贝母(F. hupehensis)为代表。约在明代中晚期,四川地区所产贝母属植物逐渐进入中药领域,并因质量上乘,为后人以 “川贝母” 之名而推崇,其代表性物种有卷叶贝母(F. cirrhosa)和暗紫贝母(F. unibracteata)等。约在清末民初,新疆地区和东北地区的贝母物种也被人所认知,并得到应用。及至现代,《中华人民共和国药典》(以下简称《药典》)收录了五大类贝母药材,分别是浙贝母(F. thunbergia)、湖北贝母(F. hupehensis)、平贝母(F. ussuriensis)、伊贝母(F. pallidiflora 和F.walujewii)和川贝母( F. cirrhosa 等 5 种)。


川贝母 Fritillaria cirrhosa



浙贝母 Fritillaria thunbergii



瓦布贝母 Fritillariae unibracteata var. wabuensis

由于用量比较大,目前在中国贝母类药材已经得到广泛栽培。在浙江地区则种植历史比较悠久,其所产的浙贝母成为著名的道地药材 “浙八味” 之一。在四川和青海地区,川贝母也正在开始栽培,其中暗紫贝母、瓦布贝母、太白贝母均已成功栽培。在新疆伊犁地区,伊犁贝母从上世纪六十年代开始种植,目前已达两千余亩,基本可以满足市场需求。在东北吉林和辽宁地区,平贝母种植以产量高而著称。


太白贝母 Fritillaria taipaiensis




贝母 Beimu


Beimu (Bulbus Fritillariae) , with the effects of clearing heat, moisturizing the lungs, resolving phlegm and relieving cough, is a kind of widely used herbs in traditional Chinese medicine(hereinafter as TCM). It is derived from the underground dry bulbs ofFritillaria (Liliaceae) plants. There are over 140 species of Fritillaria in the world, and more than 20 species are distributed in China. Except for a few species, almost all of them are used for medicine.


梭砂贝母 Fritillaria delavayi

Beimu first appeared in China's earliest pharmacy work "Sheng Nong's herbal classic" (East Han Dynasty). Since then, many ancient herb classics all recorded it continuously from Jin to Qing Dynasty. According to modern research, the early use of Beimu may be derived from Bolbostemma paniculatum (Cucurbitaceae). After the Tang Dynasty, the Fritillaria spp. gradually replaced the B. paniculatum and became the mainstream medicinal material. Among the Fritillaria plants, those species distributed in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River were the first to be used in history, represented by F. thunbergia and F. hupehensis. Around the middle and late Ming Dynasty, those species produced in Sichuan province(mainly located in the parts of Eastern margin of Qinghai Tibet Plateau) gradually entered into TCM, and were praised as "Chuan Beimu" by TCM doctors. Its representative species are F. cirrhosa and F. unibracteata and so on. Around the time of 1900s, those species of Fritillaria distributed in Xinjiang and Northeast China were also used. Nowadays the Pharmacopeia of the People's Republic of China includes 5 kinds of Beimu, namely Zhe Beimu(source from F. thunbergia), Hubei Beimu (from F. hupehensis), Ping Beimu (from F. ussuriensis ), Yi Beimu (from F. pallidiflora and F. walujewii), Chuan Beimu (from F. cirrhosa, F. unibracteata and its variety, F. delavayi,F. taipaiensis). These species in the Pharmacopoeia cover all distributed areas ofFritillaria in China. Zhe Beimu and Hubei Beimu represent those species distributed on the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, Chuan Beimu represents those species distributed on Tibetan plateau and it’s adjacent regions, Yi Beimu represents those species distributed on Xinjiang, and Ping Beimu is of species distributed in Northeast China. In modern research, on the phylogenetic trees constructed with chloroplast DNA, Fritillaria in the above four geographical distribution areas each cluster into one branch, indicating that the species in their respective geographical distribution areas are closely related. At the same time, although the Pharmacopoeia clearly define the source plant species of Beimu, the use in the folk is not distinguished clearly to species. Taking Chuan Beimu as an example, more than 10 species of this genus on Tibetan plateau and its adjacent regions are collected for medicinal use.


甘肃贝母 Fritillaria przewalskii

In TCM, Beimu are most commonly used to treat upper respiratory tract diseases, including asthma, bronchitis, tuberculosis, and cough. In addition, they are also widely used as traditional medicines in other Asian countries, such as the Ayurvedic in South Asia and the Arab-Unani in Central and Western Asia, but the species used are different from China.


暗紫贝母 FritiLlaria unibracteata

Beimu have been widely cultivated in China. For example, it has a long history of planting in Zhejiang, and became one of “Zhebawei” (means famous eight kinds of geo-authentic herbs from Zhejiang province). In Sichuan and Qinghai province, Chuan Beimu are also being planting, among which species of F. unibracteata, F. unibracteata var. wabuensis and F. taipaiensis have been successfully planting.In Ili Kazak Autonomous Prefecture of Xinjiang ,F. pallidiflora(one source of Yi Beimu)has been planted since the 1960s, and now its growing areas has reached more than 2 000 mu. In Jilin and Liaoning province, Ping Beimu (F. ussuriensis ) has higher yield than those Fritilalria spp. of other areas.


专家顾问:张本刚  |  张宪春

文化顾问:张桂徵  |  张振华

摄       影:赵鑫磊  |  张胜邦

稿       源:齐耀东

翻       译:赵鑫磊  |  齐耀东

责任编辑:孔祥瑞|李姗姗  |  楚雅南


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