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Haizhu Wetland welcomes two new bird species

媒体:原创  作者:海珠湿地
专业号:海珠湿地 2024/8/19 9:34:22
On Thursday, activities were staged at the Haizhu Wetland in Guangzhou, Guangdong province, to mark National Ecology Day. [Photo by Wang Muxing/for chinadaily.com.cn]

Two more bird species have been observed at the Haizhu Wetland in Guangzhou, Guangdong province, bringing the total feathered species at the park to 200.

Collared finchbills and rose-ringed parakeets are the new entries on the list.

The rose-ringed parakeet came to South China around 1900 and was once widely visible in the Pearl River Delta region in Guangdong.

According to Hu Huijian of the Institute of Zoology, Guangdong Academy of Sciences, the species was not found in the wild in Guangzhou after 1980 due to illegal hunting and damage to its habitats.

The bird’s return increases Guangzhou’s wildlife diversity and enhances the stability of the local biological system.

Their presence signifies the ever-improving vegetation at the Haizhu Wetland, Hu said.

Wang Muxing contributed to this story.

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